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"an essential household component to your emergency kit"


“A product you want before something happens.”



                         EMERGENCY FLOOD BAG contain a super absorbent powder that activates & swells with water

  • Inner absorbent swell on contact with water and grows and expands to full size in minutes

  •  Ready to use, just add water. No sand or labor needed  

  • Provides a quick and effective barrier against flood water, burst pipes, erosion control, and many more applications.

  • Emergency Food bag can be used in any situation where you want to quickly hold, divert, control and remove water

  • Can be used to hold, divert and control water as an effective barrier for storms and floods, burst pipes, erosion control, and many more applications

  • Use outdoors: Barrier protection from damaging flood waters

  • Use indoors: Prevent Flooding & Indoor Water Damage

  • Reusable & long-lasting after deployment

  • Environmentally Friendly & Biodegradable

  • Safe, non-toxic, non-hazardous

Welcomo to                     Sandless bag video:  

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This patent approved technology is revolutionizing the way homeowners, businesses and government agencies prevent and reduce damage from flood waters.

Cocomfort®  Emergency Flood Bags contain an inner super absorbent powder that activates,  swells and gels on contact with water and will shrink as water evaporates.

•Not intended to be used for salt water, calcium, chlorine or lime.

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A revolutionary water barrier providing a method for protecting property against flood water and leaks.

The flood bag itself is made from jute, a strong natural fibre, which is extracted from the bark of the jute plant. 

Unlike the plastics used in some inflatable flood bags, jute provides an ecologically sound alternative. Jute is biodegradable and decomposes easily to restore nutrients to the soil and on combustion its fumes are non-toxic. These flood bags are sturdy and strong and can withstand the significant pressure created by floodwaters.


They are widely used in areas like flood control, rock fall prevention, construction site, subways, shops, underground facilities, urban sewerage, basement,..etc. They have been extensively used in advanced countries like USA, UK, Japan, etc.

The usual way of sudden flood control is to use sandbags which are hard to handle and ineffective.

Now, high-tech substitutes revolutionary product the Cocomfort Emergency  self inflating bags filled with a patented blend of Super Absorbent Polymers which absorbs water (3-10 min). Once water is asorbed it is suspended in the Cocomfort Emergency Self Inflating bag and it acts like a traditional sandbag to keep water at bay.

These are more effective, easier to deploy and much more compact to store and distribute. By taking advantage of their properties of automatic expansion due to the super water absorbent materials, people can fight water with water and control flood with the fastest speed in emergency.


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  • To embank rivers, lakes to prevent flood damage

  • To keep the water out of subways, underground facilities like underground parking etc

  • To prevent rock fall temporarily

  • To quickly absorb water for roads, high ways, bridges, construction areas and grounds.

  • To quickly absorb water in oil fields, coal mines

  • To control plumbing incidents: burst pipes, bath overflow, washing machine/dishwasher leaks etc

  • To redirect water flow in car parks, roads, building sites

  • To absorb excess rainwater: construction site trenches / playing fields / golf courses

  • For general drainage: underground areas, basements, car parks, railway lines.

  • Hillside Erosion Bagging

  • Storm Water Intrusion

CUSTOMERS Cocomfort®

1.   Armed Forces.

2.   Petro Chemical Companies.

3.   Fire Brigades.

4.   Ambulance Services.

5.   Highways Agency.

6.   Medical Supply Companies

7.   Flood Response Companies

8.   Mining Companies.

9.   Plumbers.

10. Oil Refineries.

11. Flood Protection Companies.

12. Private Business

13. Homeowners

14. Water Companies

15. Gas Companies

16. Electric Supply Companies

17 .Electricity Generation Companies.

18. Ground Works Contractors

19. Infrastructure Maintenance Companies

20. Local Government.

21. National Governments.

22. Building Companies

23. Plumbing and Building Trade and Retail Outlets

24. Housing Associations

25. Facilities Management Companies


  • In addition, super absorbent polymer filled self-inflating flood bags can be used in the process of greening, this is the method of promoting the root growth of trees/shrubs and plants through the presence of an adequate water supply at root level.

  • Self-inflating flood bags can hold up to 20 litres of freshwater. Over time the bags will deflate as the water is released by the super absorbent polymer.

  • This action lends itself to slow release watering of new shrubs/trees and plants. By simply placing an inflated flood bag in the ground prior to planting you will ensure that the new plant has a good initial supply of water. This promotes the growth of roots downwards instead of outwards and upwards when the plant requires more water. The result is a healthy stable root system which improves soil cohesion and reduces soil erosion, especially important for the cultivation of embankments or areas of high wind.

  • These flood bags are also very useful in combating dehydration in trees/shrubs and plants during hot dry periods. Once the bags are implanted in flowerbeds and borders they can act as a reservoir. Heavy rainfall can be absorbed, held within the bags and released slowly, as opposed to running away into drainage systems.


On-site testing has proved that the Cocomfort self inflating bags are NINE times faster then traditional sandbags in controlling flood. It saves both time and manpower effectively.


Unlike traditional sandbags, Cocomfort Emergendy flood bags come flat packed. Contained within each bag is a cotton liner holding X gms of the  patent Super Absorbent Polymer. This polymer has the ability to absorb and safely hold up to 100 times its weight in water. One flood bag can absorb up to 20 litres of water, the final weight of the bag is approximately 18-20 kg. (Depends on the size of the bags)

Cocomfort Bag is a non-toxic product that can be disposed of via landfill or incineration.

Regarding Sizes 24" x 16" (60.96 cm x 40.64 cm) details are as under:

- Absorption / Liter per bag- Approx 22 litres

- Time to absorb/ per bag- 3-5 minutes depending on water quality.

- Weight of each- 400 g + 10% (before inflating)

- Storage life/ years ~ 2-4 years

- Weigh of each full ~20 kg +10% (After Inflating)

- Able to reuse: In our opinion , no. But you want to do it keep the use bags in a dry place and then try.

- Able to absorb salt water : Will let you know shortly after testing is complete at the factory. (please call for result)


Shake the bag side to side by holding it lengthwise to even out the material inside


•  Place the dry bag beside or underneath the leaking area.



•  Immerse the Cocomfort®  Emergency Flood Bag in fresh water for 3 to 5 minutes to absorb the water until fully saturated and place where water is flowing to create a barrier.

•  Or you can spray water with a hose or place them directly on rain and put something heavy on top not to blow away. The bag begins to swell once it comes in contact with water.

•  Or pre-soaking in a basin of fresh water if a rush of water is expected and if water flow is heavy, it is recommended to use more than one bag.

•  Place side by side for more coverage, this will prevent rolling.

•  Overlapped and stacked them in a brick or pyramid formation and stairs stepped for additional height to provide water protection.


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●  Once you are finished using the Cocomfort®  Emergency Flood Bag, you can dispose of it in the trash since it’s made of environmentally friendly outer and inner material.


●  Once the Cocomfort®  Emergency Flood Bag has been used, cut open the bag and remove the content.  Disposed of the outer with your normal refuge, and the inside contents can be put on the garden and used for retaining water. The content is a non-pollutant environmentally safe.


●  Cocomfort®  Emergency Flood Bags are also very useful in combating dehydration in trees/shrubs and plants during hot dry periods. Once the bags are implanted in flowerbeds and borders, they can act as a reservoir. Heavy rainfall can be absorbed, held within the bags and released slowly, as opposed to running away into drainage systems.

  • Automatically absorbs water and expands when in contact with water.

  • Light, just 1/50 of same cubic sandbag's weight, easier to distribute or transfer.

  • Require small storage space.

  • Require no sands, no extensive manpower or equipment to move and manage. (It is hard to find any sand during flood.)​​

  • Lower cost storage, deployment, protection cleanup

  • Faster and easier delivery and deployment equal less labor/ cost and quicker response time in the emergency.

  • Works as a replacement for a typical sandbag.

  • Automatically lock water, no leakage.

  • Biodegradable and environmental friendly.

  • High-tech material, 300-500 times expansion after absorbing enough water.

  • Each block is around 400g. It inflates up to 18kg-20kg within 3-5 minutes when contacting water.

  • 150kg resistant force after inflated.

Traditional sandbags have been steadfast tools in fighting floods for centuries. They have provided a way to prevent or reduce floodwater ingress into homes and businesses. However, they are not easy to store as they take up so much space, they are very heavy and take too much time to deploy.


Cocomfort  Emergency  filled self-inflating flood bag does the same job as the traditional sandbag but without the associated hassles. Below is a comparison between traditional sandbags and the innovative new product


Traditional Sandbags Self-Inflating Flood Bags

Heavy and difficult to transport and carry.

Can cause Health & Safety problems in

the workplace.

Elderly people amongst many others can find it difficult to lift ad move sandbags.

Require significant manpower to fill and transport sandbags and often stocks run low in crisis times, leaving residents and businesses unprotected.

Have to be replaced regularly due to deterioration, can be expensive and labour intensive.

Local Authorities, homeowners and businesses require space for storage of sandbags.

The filling of sandbags requires the excavation of sand from the land, which in itself has environmental implications.

Cocomfort Emergency Bag


Lightweight, easy to transport and carry. Each bag weighs

400 grams prior to use thus eradicating any Health &

Safety issues caused by lifting heavy weights.

This product can be used by practically anyone.

This product requires very little labour to prepare and use. Thousands can be quickly and easily transported during flood times, saving on fuel, wages and man-power.

This product can be stored, unused for up to 3 years in dry conditions. When required replacement is simple and

relatively inexpensive.

Due to their compact and lightweight nature thousands can be stored in much smaller spaces. Stocks can be

maintained at appropriate levels due to ease of storage and shelf-life (3 years).

This product simply requires water to be activated and

expands to full capacity in 3-5 minutes. Flood bags are

environmentally friendly and biodegradable.

Once the product has been immersed / soaked in water it can be used to build a dam in the same way as

traditional sandbags and remain inflated for up to 8 weeks.


Disclaimer: The information and statements herein are believed to be reliable but are not to be construed as a warranty or representation for which we assume legal responsibility or as an assumption of a duty on our part. Users should undertake sufficient verification and testing to determine the suitability for their own particular purpose of any information, products or vendors referred to herein. NO WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE IS MADE. Nothing herein is to be taken as permission, inducement or recommendation to practice any potential invention without a license.

WHAT ARE Cocomfort Flood Bags
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