The Organic and Eco-Conscious solution!
Un solution biologique et écoresponsable!
!La solución organica con conciencia ecolágica!

Big Title
Forests, the world over are facing a serious threat of extinction. The decline has been alarming especially in the developing countries; where the forests resources have been reduce by about 40% over the recent past. Uncontrolled deforestation causes destruction of priceless biodiversity, destruction of vegetative cover with consequent soil erosion and attendant problems besides influencing the much dreaded climate change. Globally the forest cover has decreased to 6% from 14% and is getting depleted at the rate of an estimated 7.5 million hectares a year, despite forestation programmes.
•COCOMFORT- As a growing medium and bedding absorbent, coconut coir is a superior alternative to peat moss and wood products. What’s more incredible is that it’s completely sustainable.
“Nature is our source of Inspiration, Hope, Peace, Respect and Goodness” – This is our corporation approach: we believe in it and are committed to it.
• We believe that business success will be more than ever based on sustainable practices in the future. The three pillars of sustainability: economic, environmental and social have must all be taken in consideration with the same degree of importance. It is necessary for companies and consumers to make responsible purchases, to grow and thrive in the long terms, to ensure performance and success. Sustainable business constitutes the foundation of our core values and is firmly rooted in our corporation culture.


One coconut mature palm tree can produce up to 75 fruits per year requiring no chemical fertilizers for growth and can live to between 70 to 100 years old. As the byproduct of the industry, Coconut Products is proudly taking a leftover substance that was once discarded and re-purposing it into something useful for the benefit of our planet and all of us.